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You never saw me being
anything other than worried
and focused only on external tasks.
Although I wanted, but I couldn’t.

Now, would you please
see through the haze of reticence,
see me as a person,
not a faceless machine?

Maybe too somber for
everyday life in the day,
but, just like everyone,
too special not to be.

In my silent solitude,
with all my knowledge,
I have crafted some thoughts.
I’d love to present them to you.
From the depths of endless
cosmic background radiation
rises a signal against the noise:
“Look, here we are, living creatures”.

We’re the melody on top of
the constant backbeat of existence,
the apple of the greatest’s eye.
It’s just difficult to realize down here.

How I wish we could
observe ourselves from afar,
realize how perfect and precious
are our blood and heartbeat.

And still, life’s more than that.
What is a soul? It’s more than
just flesh and bones:
It emerges from somewhere.

Our burning fire,
the heat of the grand universe.
Our vivid flesh,
an offering on life’s altar.
How long will our society exist?
Only a short amount of time.
Our world is a raised fist.
Humanity’s sold for a dime.

The third world will grow.
There’s one thing although:
It has the right to enhance its life.
’Cause it does I doubt we’ll survive.

The West is just an ancient fossil
as PRC’s industry grows colossal.

There, men go out of the frying pan
and into the fire.
China shall rule Japan
and labor unions won’t conspire.

Here, streets will bristle with men.
Law and order threatened again.
Nothing to do but riot.
All factories shall be quiet.
Earth is not a machine.
It has a soul.
Power over the great
is a great misconception.

We are too many,
but we cannot afford
to understand it.
Things will get dirty.
You, you are a human.
So, embrace life
and not the possessions
that come between you and it.

Entwined around one another,
entertainment and suffering.
All should be all right,
but it is killing us.

Western culture is
an overkill on senses:
In the end,
we feel nothing but pain.
You can smell it in the air:
cold wind is starting to blow.
So live while you still can
but don’t forget the reality
of mankind’s fall turning to winter,
eternal darkness and night.

All landscapes are feeling it:
they shall be purified.
Liberation from our vicious yoke
is what they hunger for.
After winter, for them only,
a new light shall appear.

The light, the spring, the new beginning,
it is Eden, a paradise on Earth,
the purest form of life,
sins of human existence wiped away.
In light, there’s life.
In life, there’s meaning.
The essence of evil is in us all,
the egoistic and greedy, power-lusting self.

Eden awaits us, peace, stillness and harmony,
but a question arises: “Are we worthy?”

The essence of wisdom hasn’t been found,
yet it lies somewhere in a moment of time and life.

We are responsible, we, the confusing,
contradictory, pitiful species of knowledge and power.

The essence of life is in the deep green forests,
on the cold endless glaciers, in the depths of oceans.

The essence of universe is revolving around
the almighty Sun, the motive of all important.

Eden will be found when our time here is over.
Contradiction is the essence of people.
We’re walking through the lands. No one’s anywhere.
Her wrath had fallen upon the ones who were here.

I hold you tight the final days
of the vice species, the poison of times.

Can we do anything for Her but disappear and die ashamed?
We’d like to live and love, but we are the ones She blamed.

She’s so majestic. It’s very obvious.
Look at the world, no need to be anxious.

We embrace the world
that’s avenging us.
Justice happens at last.

Inhale, exhale, the air we breathe now
is so dry and hot. Try to survive but how?

Mankind was too imperfect for the greatest being.
Now we, the last ones, are slowly dying out.

We embrace the world
that’s avenging us.
Justice happens at last.
The price of our sins
has now been paid.
When one tries to be too much
one shall disappear.

For dust we were
and to dust we returned,
Earth got saturated.
Now time is healing Her fevers.

As the rain falls down,
our heritage is washed away.
Distant thunder tolls
the sorrow bells.

The planet will revolve
for æons still,
but it will be different
without us.
In my dream, I was a child
in the lap of an old witchy woman.
She had been there since ancient times
and the folds of her satin dress soothed me.

She told me not to cry,
and I asked her:

“What justifies our existence
but the variety of life
and love, although it is
almost the same as hate?”

Be aware of the hate
and let the love 
for existence flow.
When we grow up,
we think we develop 
a set of values.
That’s an illusion.

In reality, time changes no one.
Even when we do good,
we seek our own benefit,
young and old alike.

No one really has grasped
the essence of living.
The same lies pass through
generations unchanged.

One is never complete.
So be content, you are what you are.
There is no great wisdom.
More often than not, communication fails.
One may only sense what one wants to.
In conversation, one sees
only oneself rather than the other.

Our speeches echo empty in the air
without any meaning.
A tree falling in the forest
isn’t a sound without a receiver.

Empathy’s a lost art
in the era of narcissism.
Saddening is this decadence,
for kindness is the greatest virtue.

Like ghosts we wander
without true connections.
So, you ought to perceive the messages you receive,
realize there are others too.
I am warm,
warm of life,
too sacred to be in vain.

Sometimes, when
my monkey mind
has been tamed,
I can do anything.

Being so wondrous,
I can’t waste
my great potential.

Hence I live
simply and with
a mind open to all.

I am warm,
warm of life,
too sacred to be in vain.

Sometimes, when
my monkey mind
has been tamed,
I can do anything.
The world opened her eyes
to see our rancid state,
and so she wondered why
we fuel each other’s hate.

Anything is better than
being an evil person.
Never felt love for a man,
for we don’t heal but worsen.

Borne the world for so long,
a world made infernal,
a place she didn’t belong.
Was longing for eternal.

So she lay down to rest,
rest her weary head.
Too hard to live depressed.
Now moribund abed:

“When the evolution had rolled long enough, we emerged.
At first, our nomadic existence was
as pure as it could be.

Then, we settled and with us settled sin.
Our numbers started to multiply.
Our diseases began to spread.

Then, with the blood of the poor,
our so called civilization started to grow.
Great wisdom for the dominant males.

A grand illusion was born in the heart of our lands.
Our leaders controlled us
trying to serve the illusion.

Now, here I am,
in the ashes of a fallen civilization,
trying to find myself.

We needed a disaster,
a grand crisis to purify
our lifestyle and our souls.

First, we were disconnected from life
and in denial.
Then came the collapse
and a violent impulse.

Now, we, who remain,
lead a life sorrowful but pure,
as nomads again.”
I sense the world
heading towards its end.
Hence my will is to be
and not to be not;
I want to be around seeing
the claiming of the hay,
the grand retribution.
We will feel a piece of Her mind.
This is the third stone from the Sun,
a pearl,
a hidden treasure on the cosmic seabed.
Shades of blue and green
shine against the vast darkness.

Remember, even in the coldest of winter nights:
Things are neither good nor bad.
They just are.
To whom shall we offer the pearl
which is this beautiful place
drowned in the filth of human existence?

Just when I was
reclaiming my faith in mankind, in us,
I bumped into some idiots once again.

We have very little hope.
We’re all trapped,
bound to this same little spaceship of men:
the Earth.

How can we coexist
when no one’s perfect,
when everyone’s filled with hatred?

Now, you fools,
don’t you try
to think on your own?
I doubt you are able to.

Citizens of the Earth,
that’s what we are,
not part of any tribe
different from that.
A thrilling ride
spiraling downwards
into the infernal future
is about to begin.

Each other is all we have
to pacify our loneliness
while waiting the last sun
to fade away and set forever
beyond the ashen horizon
of our tragic lands.

We have succumbed to some
deeply damaging habits of ours.
Now, we are cleansing our souls.
May the grace of existence
forgive us our crimes.

Had we known these feelings
of bitter regret,
we wouldn’t have committed
all those crimes against
our own integrity.

The sins of our fathers
weigh on our shoulders.
No one better than another.
Oh, heal all us sinners.
Make us whole again.

This world will end
and a new shall emerge
like a phoenix:
a better world from the ashes of the old.

The tree of life
will be hewn down.
Still, from the stump
a new sprout shall arise.

We just have to bear our part
now in this sinister time.
May the grace of existence
spare us from this frustration.

Make our spirit burn.
Wake us up from
the haze of passive consumption.
We want to make a new
world of our creation.

Cast some meaning
unto our poor existence.
Oh, eternal muse be graceful.
We do not want to die
unlived lives.

So, we run away
to a distant place,
separate ourselves
from the evil.

I’m not a hero.
I’m not even good.
I’m just part of
the pitiful human race.

We surround ourselves
with warmness
that we won’t
ever get from others, no.

We cherish the few
we know and love
and the rest of our days
will be blessed.

The infinite sky
above our eyes,
the deep green forest
under our feet,

we’ll finally be happy.
Haunting the memories from war.
Could never settle back from corps.
Turned into a beast instead.
Never-ending holler in his head.

The burden of conscience a tonne, 
he shiver under the cold Sun
and witness the harm he’s done
to his one and only son.

His mind filled with gore,
the pictures from war.
Violent outbursts, no control.
That’s the nature of men, and soul.

Terrorized by daddy dear,
the child grows up in fear.
Thus, because of irony mere,
history be repeated here.
Don’t do anything.
Life is complicated enough already.
But when you do something,
keep doing it persistently.

Don’t believe anything.
Not a thing they advertise.
But when you believe,
shave with Ockham.

Don’t say anything.
Silence is golden indeed.
But when you say something,
be as good as your words.

Don’t hate anyone.
Hatred taints the soul.
Choose compassion instead.
Understanding builds bridges.

Don’t love anyone.
Love is a futile endeavor.
But when you love someone,
love them with all your might.

Don’t do anything.
Life is complicated enough already.
But when you do something,
keep doing it persistently.
How long shall the land mourn
and the herbs of every field wither,
for the wickedness of us
who dwell therein?

Our Earth-Mother, she will
greatly multiply our sorrow.
Cursed is the ground for our own sake.
In sorrow all the days of our life.

But just maybe,
some will hide away,
retreat and survive.
Just maybe, we shall overcome.

So, I see you
as a tearless day.
The post-everything world.
True life, after death.
Oh, you elders, please hear my plea.
I can’t harness the Bull in me.
These unnatural times, total loss of control.
Primaeval crimes taking their toll.

Not a lion, young man’s but a bull.
Damned be nature’s bipolar pull.
To temptation and sin,
my animal within.

It is in the human nature to seek to advance.
Yet in this age, my greatest guidance
is this instinct, the compass of Taurus.
Still, the world shows there’s no need for us.